A lonely cowboy - Alone

A lonely cowboy - Alone


... far away from home. Survival puzzle game - a lonely cowboy crashes on a frozen planet. He is alone in a hostile environment. Just with his Robot - and has to build himself a home.

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This game was created
at Global Game Jam 2019

All Games of Global Game Jam 2019


8 people voted for this game. Overall the game ranked #6 at the Jam!


jgastell (6 years ago)

after someone explained to me how it actually works, I think this might be one of my favourites this year.

Armag3ddon (6 years ago)

I liked the art style. The UI might need more attention to be more visible but the game art style itself is lovely.

kr1stov (6 years ago)

Great work guys! The snow effect when you die is a nice little touch.

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