Alo's Journey



In order to prove himself a man of his tribe the sachem’s son Alo is going on a journey to find his totem. During his dangerous out-of-body experience, he is guided and assisted by the spirit animals of his family: The strong bull of his father Tatanka, the fast puma of Abooksigun, his brother and the small yet sturdy armadillo of his grandfather Mahkah. Every spirit has a different ability that he has to choose wisely since they consume soul spheres which he has to collect on his way. Guide him to make the right decisions and find his spirit animal!

Technology used

Unreal Engine

Help / Controls

arrow keys space bar numbers 1-4


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This game was created
at Global Game Jam 2016

All Games of Global Game Jam 2016


5 people voted for this game. Overall the game ranked #15 at the Jam!


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