Casual Tuna

Casual Tuna


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Casual Tuna is a music-composition learning tool, which enables unexperienced players to compose and create their very own music.

It's simplistic design is targeted at players who want to pick up something new, but are scared by the usual overloaded interface of professional software. It serves as an introduction to possibly motivate people to get invested, learn more and become an artist themself.

GitHub Repository:

Technology used

Music and Sounds: Ableton Live, Ukulele (sponsored by "Team from HTW Berlin")

Artwork: Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop

Code: Javascript, React, Webpack, WebAudio

Help / Controls

Mouse and imagination!

Simply click on a note to create a sound.


There are no packages available yet.


This game was created
at IGJam #11 feat. Hamburger Fern-Hochschule

All Games of IGJam #11 feat. Hamburger Fern-Hochschule


24 people voted for this game. Overall the game ranked #5 at the Jam!


gechanted (6 years ago)


Torbilicious (6 years ago)

werde ich aus jeden fall ausprobieren!

jgastell (6 years ago)

es wäre sehr cool, wenn es noch eine Funktion gäbe, mit der man eine MP3 generieren könnte. Werde das Tool ggf für zukünftige GameJams mal nutzen :)

lukepilgrim (6 years ago)

super idee und astreine umsetzung! mein favorit dieses mal :)

tamiroquai (6 years ago)

Nicely done! I'd love to use this to create some music for the next GameJam, if possible :) Also, nice variety of different instruments and tunes.

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