Conris Candy

Conris Games


Welcome to Conri's Candy! Conri is a magical, yet simple, wolf. When he sees his beloved Candy, he will go without resistance and devour it. Depending on which of his two Candies he devours, he performs an evolution or regression. Conri can take three forms: Puppy, Wolf and Werewolf.

Guide Conri through levels full of obstacles. But be warned! Without a trail full of candies, Conri will not overcome the various obstacles, because not every shape will let him overcome a specific obstacle!

Now it is up to you! Control the level by selectively handing out candies and guiding Conri through the levels!

Technology used


Help / Controls

The levels are small puzzles. Switch between the edit and play mode.

In play mode, Conri runs and follows the trail of candies. In edit mode, green (responsible for evolution) and red (responsible for regression) candies can be placed with the left mouse click or removed with the right mouse click. The number of candies is limited.

Overcome the obstacles by utilizing Conris different shapes: Puppy: Tube (marked with A) Wolf: Window (marked with B) Werewolf: Crates (marked with C)


Binaries: Windows


This game was created
at IGJam #13

All Games of IGJam #13


14 people rated this game.
Overall the game ranked #8 at the Jam!

This game was also rated in 5 other categories
  • Gameplay: 6.571428571428571/10

  • Graphics: 6.857142857142857/10

  • Innovation: 6.214285714285714/10

  • Technical: 6.714285714285714/10

  • Controls: 5.928571428571429/10


Qanar (2 years 3 months ago)

im missing like mininum 2 candys to beat the first level :( its cool until you run out of morphs

nguyenf (2 years 3 months ago)

Thank you for your feedback. All levels can be beaten. In the tutorial one can see that the unit will always move forward unless there is a candy in the same row. This knowledge should be utilised otherwise this game would not consist of "puzzles".

Askat (2 years 3 months ago)

did all 3 level after several tries, so it is possible :)

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