CRT: Control, React, Terminate
In a dystopian future, robots oppress the human race. You, the player, are one such human. Your task? Overthrowing the BossBot by skulking through the worshipping crowd of mindless robots undetected. Because Bossbot scans the crowd for humans every once in a while. You can remain undetected by putting on the helmet with the same color as the scan beam is scanning for. But do it fast, or you'll be detected!
Playable version, Downloadable version and trailer here:
Technology used
Unity3D 3D Studio Max Adobe Photoshop Manga Studio 5
Help / Controls
you walk automatically, but the scan will increase in rapidness and speed with every step you take.
Put on the rightly colored helmet with the W/S/A/D buttons.
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This game was created
at IGJam Gamescom 2016