Ding Dong



You are tired of getting visited by missionaries who think you should have the same believes like them? Just get rid of them in the polite way - with an assault rifle. Or even better - With a birthday party. Those guys really don't like birthday parties.

Windows: https://github.com/theSoenke/GGJ19/releases/download/0.0.3/DingDong_windows.zip

Linux: https://github.com/theSoenke/GGJ19/releases/download/0.0.3/DingDong_linux.zip

Technology used

Unity, Blender

Help / Controls

Move: WASD, Aim: Mouse, Shoot: Left Mouse, Use Party: Space, Repair: Go near to the fence/door and click on the icon


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This game was created
at Global Game Jam 2019

All Games of Global Game Jam 2019


1 people voted for this game. Overall the game ranked #19 at the Jam!


dondata01 (5 years ago)

Please also read our <a href="/rulez">Safe Space Policy</a>

thetoeb (5 years ago)

Why is your Account only 50 minutes old?

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