Hold the Line
In Hold the Line you play a telephone operator in the early 20th's century. Connect incoming calls to the right recipient and make sure that phone lines are cleared as soon as the respective call has ended. To do this precisely, tap into connections to hear if the line is still in use.
If, by chance, you stumble across criminal or shady activities, make sure to report the call to the authorities.
Your job might seem simple, but let's see what results your first day at work brings.
Link to the game: https://ggj.s3.amazonaws.com/games/2018/01/164205/exec/2qZlM/Hold%20the%20Line.zip
Technology used
Unity, Photoshop/Illustrator
Help / Controls
Click on displayed slots to connect/disconnect them
Click on button next to connection to tap in
Click on report button to report last monitored call
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This game was created
at Global Game Jam 2018
27 people voted for this game. Overall the game ranked #1 at the Jam!
(7 years ago)
Schöne Grafiken und lustige Ideen. Gefällt mir sehr gut :)
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