Kill It With Fire

Jamy4000's team


This game is a 2-D Sidescroller/Platformer. Your obstacle is to guide a young anxious boy through an abandoned asylum, who has to overcome his phobias. You have to unlock your skills by reaching certain points within the game. But even then you will always be limited to only one skill at a time. You have four skills of with your first one, the flashlight, will be available from the beginning. The flashlight enables you to see your enemies, which will instantly kill you on touch. The other three skills a movements which will help you to move around the levels and evade the enemies. So your challange will be to learn the movement patterns of your enemies so you will be able to evade them, when they come closer to you. In some situations this can only be acchieved by using a movementskill instead your flashlight.

Technology used

Unity C# 2D Photoshop

Help / Controls

The game is played with an XBox controller. You unlock controls during the game. open the wheel of ability with LB to take a look at them. Move with the left thumbstick, choose an ability when the wheel is open with the right thumbstick, crawl with B, Jump with A, Run with RB and pause with Start


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This game was created
at IGJam #12

All Games of IGJam #12


1 people voted for this game. Overall the game ranked #20 at the Jam!


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