Lilly's Dream
Lilly's Dream is a 2D Sidescrolling adventure, that delivers its story through stunning graphics and deep conversations. Experience and discover the nightmares of Lilly, a Child living in Paris during the war against Prussia in 1871. Accompany her, as she struggles with her inner Demons and Fears. A beautifully written soundtrack makes Lilly's Dream a serious game, that touches not only your mind, but your heart.
Here the download:
Technology used
Unity Engine, MS Paint, Paint.web, Autodesk Maya, Adobe Photoshop
Help / Controls
ad - walk / spacebar - jump / keyboard - quicktime events /
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This game was created
at IGJam #11 feat. Hamburger Fern-Hochschule
25 people voted for this game. Overall the game ranked #4 at the Jam!
(7 years ago)
Adorable graphics and interesting gameplay :)
(7 years ago)
Cool gameplay! I especially like that you don't have to physically fight your fears but rather have different options on what to do. It would be a cool idea if you'd have to answer some kind of riddles or hard questions (maybe even questions about morality?) to defeat Lilly's fears. Good job!
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