A planecrashing escape experience with the creme de la creme of flight action stunt heros of all time. Be Jules Planefield, Cameron Poeair or Kylie Pratt.
Try to think quick in a deadly race to the last parachute on the airplane!
It was our idea, to play one game with multiple screens and optionally even with multiple devices, so your character can cross over from one screen/device to another one.
Link to the source file - server doesnt respond -.- https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B92p5vAJXtBNSWRFXzNPS3ZGbmM
Technology used
P5, HTML, Node.js, Blender, REAPER
Help / Controls
- Install Node
- open commandline
- Navigate to serverfolder
- input "Node app" hit enter
- in browser, navigate to localhost:8080 hope that works :D
There are no packages available yet.
This game was created
at IGJam #10
1 people voted for this game. Overall the game ranked #18 at the Jam!
(8 years ago)
"Wir sind die Cantina Band. Wenn ihr Songwünsche habt, ruft sie einfach!" - "Spielt den selben Song nochmal!" - "Alles klar! Den selben Song und los!"? ;)
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