
Prof. Dr. med. Tentacles



Try octopus.exe one month for free! The software for any DNA related projects and other experimental purposes.

Why insert so much generated DNA into a creature, you ask? The answer is simple... FOR SCIENCE!

Use the software with mouse and at your own risk.

Just insert DNA into the creature by clicking on it and use upgrades (like super computers or watercooling or magnets) to make faster progress.

Presentation: https://cybernorm.de/octopus-exe.html

UNITY version: https://github.com/ThmsMsqrt/GameJam2018/raw/master/Octopus.exe.zip UNITY version mirror: http://uploaded.net/file/p0fwy4c0

WEB version: http://oexe.gummibeer.de/

Technology used

Unity, Blender, Photoshop, HTML5, ASCII, After Effects

Help / Controls

We´ve got 3 versions: HTML, UNITY, ASCII

Just click your mouse -click-

The ASCII Version is text based, so use your keyboard.


There are no packages available yet.


This game was created
at Global Game Jam 2018

All Games of Global Game Jam 2018


12 people voted for this game. Overall the game ranked #8 at the Jam!


Pandabeard (7 years ago)

The only Game/Team with 3 versions of a game in one Jam.

LuiseStolze (7 years ago)

Hier die online Variante: http://oexe.gummibeer.de/

cybernorm (7 years ago)

This was great fun! Thank you guys! :D

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