Path of the bunny

lone dragon


A crazy labyrinth.

Your goal is to reach the top of the labyrinth while you only have a certain amount of available moves.

You can move the rows to the left and right, while between every turn, there will be a vertical movement.

If you run out of movements, it will be game over, but if you reach the goal in time, you can call yourself a master of this labyrinth.

You can only move on connected lines though - and because this is a game jam game (#igjam13), the art was done in a rush, so it might not be that visible which lines go where.

When you can move the bunny around, There will be connection points highlighted. You can only move to the next tile. Per turn you can move as many moves you want.

You can play with your mouse - no keyboard/controller is supported.



Technology used

Godot Aseprite

Help / Controls

Use your mouse ;)




This game was created
at IGJam #13

All Games of IGJam #13


16 people rated this game.
Overall the game ranked #22 at the Jam!

This game was also rated in 8 other categories
  • Gameplay: 3.0625/10

  • Graphics: 4.125/10

  • Audio: 2.0625/10

  • Innovation: 4.9375/10

  • Story: 2.9375/10

  • Technical: 4.375/10

  • Controls: 2.9375/10

  • Humor: 3.375/10


Armag3ddon (2 years 3 months ago)

Can you explain how to move the bunny? I try clicking lines but it doesn't seem to move.

progsource (2 years 3 months ago)

At the start you have to first move a row with one of the arrows. After that you can move to the tile above the bunny with clicking on either the bottom left or bottom right point. From there on you can move the bunny further with clicking to the connected line on one of the adjacent tiles. If you want to move a row again, you have to click on "next turn" button.

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