It's a dark night and you are in your haunted mansion: Objects start to move on their own and fly through the air! But this poltergeist isn't after you... it's trying to steal your prized possesions: It's a polterheist! And thus you, a lone (but rich, rich) ghost buster, set out to desperately protect what you value most: Your sweet stuff!
PvP Ghost vs Buster
The Ghost steals objects, which the Buster tries to prevent - with violence. The Ghost is invisible, and can only be detected by seeing objects flying around some visual and audio hints.
- Ghost: Steal as much loot as possible!
- Buster: Protect your stuff! Shoot the ghost to stop it (temporarily).
Technology used
Help / Controls
Playing an Online Match
- In the networking HUD (top left) press "Enable Match Maker"
- To create a game, type in a room name and press "Create Internet Match"
- To join an online game, press "Find Internet Match" and select the match you want to join
- W, A, S, D to move around
- Ctrl, Space to move up and down (Ghost)
- Press LMB to fire gun (Buster)
- Hold down LMB (Ghost) or RMB (Buster) to grab objects
- ESC to quit
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This game was created
at IGJam #12
7 people voted for this game. Overall the game ranked #11 at the Jam!
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