PugUnknown's Graveyard Battle
You play as a skeleton in its natural habitat: the graveyard. After a cozy night-out with your friends you get attacked by the infamous PugUnknown. It wants your bones - all of them. Try to get a shovel and dig up your grave. Evade the pug by hiding in bushes and keep all your bones! If you're the first skeleton to dig up the grave you are spared by the pug's overwhelming wrath!
Mirror: https://mega.nz/#!BhpDQQxT!MeA4MNxv5aaDZW7kBf6td9vRB1r3vo2f6rXA5R4tCc4
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B03WWMpYAEw
Technology used
Unity, Blender, Reaper and a lot of coffee/energy drinks
Help / Controls
Xbox Controllers required! Press Start to play, use your left stick to navigate and X to interact!
There are no packages available yet.
This game was created
at IGJam #12
27 people voted for this game. Overall the game ranked #4 at the Jam!
(7 years ago)
wew se cete
(7 years ago)
Best Game EVA
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