Rooms of Madness

Team Crippling Osteoporosis


Rooms of Madness

Genre: Co-Op Horror

Game Type: First person Puzzle solver

Audience: 16+ Puzzle enthusiasts

Rooms of Madness is a co op game focusing on a “Casualty” and a “Sinner” trying to escape their rooms utilizing clues relevant to both players that must be transmitted to one another in order to progress. Under constraint of time, failure to escape leads to both players’ deaths.


Technology used

Unity, Photoshop, 3DSmax, Bfxr,

Help / Controls

You can open the game in browser or download for PC/Mac/Linux

2 Players connect voice chat via discord or sit in front of one another Player 1 chooses “Play as Sinner” Player 2 chooses “Play as Casualty” Both players confirm AT THE SAME TIME to start the game Work together to find clues and relevant texts to unlock passwords The Sinner can enter WORDS into the terminal The Casualty can enter NUMBERS into the terminal

Controls - Casualty (Player): WASD - Movement Left mouse click - Object inspection + Interaction Numbers - Numpad number inputs

Controls - Sinner (Guide): Mouse - Look around Left mouse click - Object inspection + interaction Keyboard - Terminal word inputs


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This game was created
at Global Game Jam 2018

All Games of Global Game Jam 2018


3 people voted for this game. Overall the game ranked #21 at the Jam!


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