Spider Lag
Spider Lag - a spooktacular 3D Runner that astonishes with just as many moments of joy as legs! You play as young Spiderlady Webbie, who tries to master the endless-runner setup and she needs... yes. You!
(Since the upload does not work currently, the archive is for download on Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-cE3xNs0rqPclAwU1ZPbzJWTTQ/view?usp=sharing (rename Game.ex_ to Game.exe))
Technology used
- Autodesk Maya
- Unity
- Substance Painter
- Substance Designer
- Adobe Photoshop
- GitKraken
Help / Controls
- w,a,s,d - Beine aufstellen
- Leertaste - vorwärts springen
- Pfeiltasten - links/rechts
There are no packages available yet.
This game was created
at IGJam #12