Terminal Exit
Play link: http://am-i.guru/
Room Escape meets Text Quest meets OS Simulator. You find yourself locked in a terminal of some really SeriOS operating system. Your goal is to find how to exit. Educational value: this game helps to get familiar with command-line interface (CLI) and operating system basics.
Inspired by http://www.bash.org/?795779
Technology used
Javascript HTML
Help / Controls
Type your commands and press ENTER. Type help to see the list of available commands.
This game was created
at IGJam #11 feat. Hamburger Fern-Hochschule
44 people voted for this game. Overall the game ranked #1 at the Jam!
(7 years ago)
great idea!
(7 years ago)
Thank you very much! I really didn't expect that. There are so many games with eye-catching art, nice sound, innovative technologies and great ideas. I didn't expect my game can compete them.
(7 years ago)
Would totally have a drink with this guy, even though I don't like alcohol :3 Also, great game!
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