In timeException, the players take control over a pair of hackers who have to work together to escape the Cybersecurity with their stolen Data. To do that, they have to reach the exit of each stage before the timer runs out. Player1 navigates their Icon through the stage and it’s obstacles, while Player2 is constantly hacking the system to buy them more time. If they manage to reach the exit of Stage 10, they can escape and win.
GitHub: https://github.com/robinryf/igjam10
Download Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/d1txxak7yzoo1fe/timeException.zip?dl=1
Just Windows for now.
Technology used
Unity, Illustrator, Tiled Map Editor, Git
Help / Controls
Player1 use a controller to Navigate your icon through the Level. Touch Exit to go to the next stage. Player2 use the keyboard to enter the prompted commands into the games command line. Press enter to confirm.
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This game was created
at IGJam #10
7 people voted for this game. Overall the game ranked #8 at the Jam!
(8 years ago)
Very nice gameplay and fitting graphics. One of my favorite games of this jam!
(8 years ago)
Thank you :)
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