Root Rampage

Mostly Sunny


The roots are on a rampage in the office. And who's best suited to fix a root problem? The dentist of course!

Used Assets: - FreePD action music - Elevator music: Pixabay - Epic Toon FX by Archanor VFX - Dreamteck Splines

WebGL Build:

Technology used

Unity Blender

Help / Controls

Move: WASD Shoot: Mouse Click


Binaries: Windows 64-bit


This game was created
at GGJ 2023

All Games of GGJ 2023


10 people rated this game.
Overall the game ranked #7 at the Jam!

This game was also rated in 8 other categories
  • Gameplay: 5.5/10

  • Graphics: 6.7/10

  • Audio: 6.0/10

  • Innovation: 5.4/10

  • Story: 4.4/10

  • Technical: 5.9/10

  • Controls: 6.7/10

  • Humor: 6.1/10


BrizzleFizz (1 year 8 months ago)

10/10 you added printers

HoppelHoop (1 year 8 months ago)

the elevator music makes me happy

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