
Sushi Very


Welcome to Tiny Italy! Weird things happen in this lovely mediterranean bay... Figure out the situation by going back and forth through time during one sunny afternoon! Explore time and space dimensions, and take pictures of what you think is relevant to the plot.

Technology used

Unity, Blender, Maya

Help / Controls

Oculus Rift + Touch Controllers needed. Grab the sun and move it along the line to control time. Hold the right trigger to use the camera, and press A to take a picture.


There are no packages available yet.


This game was created
at IGJam #10

All Games of IGJam #10


23 people voted for this game. Overall the game ranked #2 at the Jam!


Ninjin (7 years ago)

Would hire the artist :D My favorite game of the Jam! <3

pixelb (7 years ago)

Why not put your money where your mouth is? pixelbutterfly.com - sketchfab.com/pixelb - marie@pixelbutterfly.com I also do not-faceted stuff. :D

warby (7 years ago)

I am not looking for work right now but I am an attention whore anyway: https://www.artstation.com/artist/warby

jgastell (7 years ago)

The graphics were awesome indeed! :)

lukepilgrim (7 years ago)

I love the game idea very much :D

JKJINX (7 years ago)

I saw the artists low poly model of the city on sketchfab. I had to go deeper

JKJINX (7 years ago)

I saw the artists low poly model of the city on sketchfab. I had to go deeper

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