Coming Up
"Only you can save the person who needs it the most." - Princess
The Knight is falling from the sky into a dark abyss...
You are a noble Knight who fell into an unknown yet familiar world. Almost impossible to move in this bland darkness, you have to find your strength to move forward. Your mission is clear - you have to fight your way upwards. Do not lose momentum and defeat the "Inner Demons" in your path. Overcome the obstacles and do not lose focus on your goal.
Ein Ritter fällt aus dem Himmel in einen dunklen Abgrund...
Du bist ein nobler Ritter der in eine unbekannte aber seltsam vertraute Welt gefallen ist. Es ist fast unmöglich sich aus dieser tristen Einöde zu befreien. Finde deine innere Kraft dich nach vorne zu bewegen. Deine Mission scheint dir klar - du musst dich nach oben durchkämpfen. Verliere nicht an Geschwindigkeit und besiege die "Inneren Dämonen" auf deinem Weg. Überwinde die Hürden und verliere dein Ziel nicht aus den Augen.
"Coming Up" versinnbildlicht den Kampf gegen Depressionen und den immensen Aufwand um sich daraus zu befreien. Es ist wichtig diesen Kampf nicht schleifen zu lassen, auch wenn es schwer ist. Besonders der Anfang der Befreiung ist ein schwerer Prozess. Wenn man sich fortbewegt, die "inneren" Dämonen besiegt und "Fragmente" aufsammelt, erhält man Momentum. Die Welt bekommt ihre alte Schönheit wieder, je weiter man dem Abgrund entkommt. Das Ziel wird bei erreichen der Maximalgeschwindigkeit erreicht. Und damit auch eine wichtige Erkenntnis.
Idea Robin Weiß
Programmers René Löscher Pascal Worreschk
Art/Animation Robin Weiß Stefan Kuntze
Game Design Vincent "Fallow" Brach Stefan Kuntze
Sound Design WIGMAN (Andreas Scheffer)
Additional SFX Bfxr
You don't have to fight alone "Telefonseelsorge: 0800/111 0 111"
Overcome all obstacles and never lose focus on your goal.
Technology used
Engine: Unity Graphics: Piskel
Help / Controls
Run to the right without stopping and collect the Pills for an extra boost. Left/Right = Arrow Keys or W,A,S,D Jump = Space Attack = AltGr
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This game was created
at IGJam #11 feat. Hamburger Fern-Hochschule
11 people voted for this game. Overall the game ranked #8 at the Jam!
(7 years ago)
Der Stil und die Animationen waren super :)
(7 years ago)
Nice idea and story. I also liked the oldschool graphics. I think it would benefit from a more clear impact on what happens when you do not act. This would also transfer the message of the game a bit better. In the demo you could not really see an impact.
(7 years ago)
@jgastell - The idea was actually to have the player start in a greyscale environment and the more you move, the more color would appear. If you are knocked back, saturation would come in. Hopefully one of us can get on to adding that. We were like 80% done. Thank you very much for the feedback!
@lukepilgrim - Danke, amigo :D Props an Robin und Stefan dafür.
(7 years ago)
I liked the concept and the idea behind it. If I remember correctly, you wanted to add some text during different stages of the game which give some closer intel about the character plus the fact that they're suffering from depression, correct? I think your game has a very good message and I really loved the retro style. Good job, guys!
(7 years ago)
@tamiroquai Thank you very much. Yeah the texts and transitions are missing. Also the color and the fine-tuning of the character. I might redo this game in a simpler Engine to showcase the things that are needed. Thank you so much for your feedback. Congrats on third place!
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