Shelter is a game about hard decisions in a closed and cramped environment - a bunker.
You are tasked with the protection and management of a group of people in your bunker. As problems and situations occur, you are in the position to decide how to react and what to do. Will you be able to save those who depend on you? Or will you fail and doom them all?
Technology used
Help / Controls
The game is controlled via the keyboard - to emulate the feeling the overseer has while managing the bunker via the BunkerOS.
There are no packages available yet.
This game was created
at IGJam #11 feat. Hamburger Fern-Hochschule
6 people voted for this game. Overall the game ranked #11 at the Jam!
(7 years ago)
NThe ce Idea, but it would be cool to have some insight on how your choices affect the outcome of the game to create better strategies. The basic idea is pretty cool.
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