Frame and Fortune

Frame and Fortune


You're a lowly crewmate on a pirate ship helmed by an eccentric and very particular captain.

Cap'n wants all of his paintings hung perfectly level... with the horizon! Unfortunately for you, the other pirates thought that spirit meant rum, so they drank the spirit level.

It's all up to you to figure out where the horizon is, align the paintings correctly... or else walk the plank.

Technology used


Help / Controls

Arr, make sure the painting is aligned with the horizon when the timer runs out!

Rotate Painting: Left Stick or A, D

Look Around: Right Stick or Mouse


Binaries: Windows 64-bit

Binaries: MacOS Application


This game was created
at IGJam #13

All Games of IGJam #13


19 people rated this game.
Overall the game ranked #7 at the Jam!

This game was also rated in 8 other categories
  • Gameplay: 6.421052631578948/10

  • Graphics: 6.7368421052631575/10

  • Audio: 3.8947368421052633/10

  • Innovation: 7.894736842105263/10

  • Story: 5.2105263157894735/10

  • Technical: 5.842105263157895/10

  • Controls: 6.842105263157895/10

  • Humor: 7.0/10


Schnapster (1 year 5 months ago)

shiver me timbers!

Qanar (1 year 5 months ago)

:D 152° im too stupid for this

yuna (1 year 5 months ago)

I love the idea and the execution of it. It's fun too!

Askat (1 year 5 months ago)

nicely done, my fav so far!

Boarix (1 year 5 months ago)

great idea and super fun to play

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