Splash Mob



We'll TRY to deploy it here: gurkenhobel.space/iggj13

Otherwise the easiest way to get it running is:

  • Go here: https://github.com/svenstaro/innojam13
  • Clone
  • Have rust/cargo installed on your system
  • Check that lld is installed
  • cargo run

We'll try to release a webasm build.

Technology used

Rust - a very safe programming language

bevy - ecs game engine

rapier - physics system for bevy


There are no packages available yet.


This game was created
at IGJam #13

All Games of IGJam #13


9 people rated this game.
Overall the game ranked #23 at the Jam!

This game was also rated in 3 other categories
  • Gameplay: 2.888888888888889/10

  • Audio: 4.111111111111111/10

  • Technical: 4.222222222222222/10


J-D_Vbk (1 year 11 months ago)

Weird, wonky, wonderful. The music transforms into a hypnotizing experience. Somehow i like it.

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