The Belt

nbz and tomee


You are in a landing vessel in orbit around a planet. Your mission is to land on the planet. Unfortunately, the planet has a lot of rocks flying around it, so you will have to use your skill to avoid them.

Technology used

Javascript, Canvas

Help / Controls

Keyboard Up, Down, Left, Right




This game was created
at IGJam #7

All Games of IGJam #7


3 people rated this game.
Overall the game ranked #4 at the Jam!

This game was also rated in 8 other categories
  • Gameplay: 7.666666666666667/10

  • Graphics: 7.333333333333333/10

  • Audio: 6.666666666666667/10

  • Innovation: 6.0/10

  • Story: 3.6666666666666665/10

  • Technical: 7.666666666666667/10

  • Controls: 8.0/10

  • Humor: 4.666666666666667/10


MoblMagictones (9 years ago)

Incredible nice game! If you do a little more balancing it will be a massive addictional game! I would do these changes: -smaller difficulty steps between the levels - the landing gear should not take damage when colliding with the meteors - the bump-off on meteors should be not so hard - the music should continue playing while loading

MoblMagictones (9 years ago)

Incredible nice game! If you do a little more balancing it will be a massive addictional game! I would do these changes: -smaller difficulty steps between the levels - the landing gear should not take damage when colliding with the meteors - the bump-off on meteors should be not so hard - the music should continue playing while loading

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