Voodo Dungeon

jam factory


Deep down in the Voodo Dungeon three masks are hidden. Only with the mask you can reveal the true secrets of this place.

Gameplay Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aPlWQmk8KXg

Download Link: http://purh.pw/JamFactory_VOODODUNGEON.zip

Note: This is a VR Game, a HTC Vive is required to play the game.

Technology used

Unity3d HTC Vive

Help / Controls

Press the touchpad of your left controller in any direction to move. Use the trigger to jump. You can grab the mask with your right controller by presseng the trigger.


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This game was created
at IGJam Gamescom 2016

All Games of IGJam Gamescom 2016


1 people voted for this game. Overall the game ranked #4 at the Jam!


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